AGMARK | ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 22000:2018 | ISO 14001 : 2015 and HACCP CERTIFIED

Kashmiri Chilli Powder

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Kashmiri Chilli Powder

Sarveshwari Kashmiri Chilli Powder is mild in flavour and gives deep red colour. Like our other spices, it is 100% pure and prepared neatly in hygienic conditions as well. You can use a teaspoon of Sarveshwari Kashmiri Chilli Powder Powder in sabjis, curries, or dal you prepare and enjoy a deep red colour in the dish.

  • 100% certified Sarveshwari Kashmiri Chilli Powder.
  • Prepared in neatly maintained hygienic conditions with hygienic packing.
  • No preservative, pure natural color, rich in taste.
  • Chilli powder makes dishes colorful and delicious.